Your Rights

You have a right to confidentiality

This means that no information about you will be revealed to anyone outside the agency without your consent. All workers, students, committee members and student supervisors are required to sign a confidentiality contract prior to commencing any duties relating to the agency’s functions.

Any information about you is kept in a locked cabinet. You can tell us what you are happy with us recording (if any). For some women this means first name only. Confidentiality can be overridden with mandatory reporting and the worker will explain this to you.

You have a right to have your needs met within the constraints of the service

  • You and your worker (depending on availability) decide how often to make your appointment, i.e. weekly, fortnightly, monthly, etc.

  • You assess your progress and what goals you wish to achieve.

  • You can choose or change the worker you would like to see.

  • You can decide when you wish to terminate the service.

  • You decide the issues you would like to work on at each session.

You have the right to complain about the service you receive if you are not happy with anything

If you have a complaint or grievance about a specific worker in the service you have the right to appeal directly to the worker concerned.

If the issue is not resolved, you can request a meeting with a member of the Management Committee who will then advise the worker of the outcome and, if appropriate, action to be taken.

You have the right to give feedback on the service you have been given

When you first use this service we will ask you some questions so that you can let us know if your needs have/have not been met. We value your comments because they are important in helping us meet your needs and the needs of other women using our service. We will always be happy to listen to any thoughts and ideas you have to help us improve our service delivery.